Halls of Honor - The U.S. Navy Museum takes you on an informed and entertaining romp through one of North America s oldest and finest military museums. The museum has been in continuous operation at the Washington Navy Yard since the American Civil War. This award winning program includes interviews with Navy history makers who bring the fascinating collection alive. "Halls of Honor" brings together the sailors, ships, artifacts and traditions that are found at the US Navy Museum in Washington DC. Located in a gigantic foundry building that used to build 16 inch guns for battleships, the Museum presents the largest World War II collection in North America, one of the most comprehensive ship model collections in the world and U.S. Navy artifacts ranging from tiny to huge retrieved from all over the world above and below the sea. It is a hands on, in depth center for Naval History. Noted historian and historical preservationist Lou Linden is your genial host, constantly seeking new wonders and explanations in the Nation s military history treasure houses. His sometimes irreverent approach to history elicits admiration (and the occasional guffaw) from retired admirals as well as newly minted military history buffs. BONUS FEATURE This DVD includes two short World War II films edited specifically for the Museum from archival U.S. Navy documentary footage by Yellow Cat Productions. Carrier Warfare in the Pacific, and Submarine Warfare in the Pacific".
Price: $19.95
Halls of Honor- The US Navy Museum
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